August 10th, 2024: Columbus Runs for a Legacy of Black Men’s Wellness

August 10th, 2024: Columbus Runs for a Legacy of Black Men’s Wellness

This August 10th, 2024, as we celebrate National African American Male Wellness Day, a powerful movement is taking shape in Columbus, Ohio. Men of all ages are lacing up their shoes, not just for a run, but for a legacy – a legacy of health, empowerment, and community.

The Power of the Stride - More Than Just a Run

This isn’t just any run. It’s a symbolic stride toward a future where Black men prioritize their well-being, both physically and mentally. It’s a testament to the strength of our community, the wisdom passed down through generations, and the innovative tools we embrace to enhance our lives.

Each step taken on this run represents a commitment to breaking down health disparities, fostering mental well-being, and creating a legacy of vitality for ourselves and our families. It’s a celebration of the unique challenges we face and the triumphs we achieve.

AI - Your Partner in Wellness

In this pursuit of wellness, technology is our ally. As we run, many of us will have smartphones in hand, not just to track our miles, but to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence for our health journeys. In this digital age, AI offers innovations even in portable tools to enhance our wellness journeys. Depicted below is an AI-generated image of a runner using his smartphone to track his fitness goals. This shows too that AI-powered health apps can help us track our runs, monitor our progress, and connect with other runners in our community.

Here are other ways to apply AI:

  • AI-Powered Fitness Trackers:These apps monitor our pace, heart rate, and calories burned, offering personalized insights to optimize our workouts and reach our goals.
  • Health Monitoring:AI algorithms analyze our data to identify potential risks and recommend preventive measures, empowering us to take proactive steps towards better health.
  • Mental Health Support:AI-powered therapy apps provide accessible resources for managing stress, anxiety, and depression, fostering emotional well-being.
This figure is AI-generated and depicts an AA Runner using his AI-powered Smartphone to track his fitness and much more

This figure is AI-generated and depicts an AA Runner using his AI-powered Smartphone to track his fitness and much more

  • Telemedicine:Virtual appointments connect us with healthcare providers, breaking down barriers to care and ensuring our health needs are met.
  • There are other applications of AI tool applications. Telehealth platforms enable convenient consultations with healthcare providers, breaking down barriers to care. AI-driven research is also leading to breakthroughs in disease prevention and treatment, specifically tailored to the needs of Black men.  

Securing Our Legacy: Wills and the Power of Giving Back

As we celebrate our strength and resilience, it’s also a time to reflect on our legacy – the impact we leave behind for future generations. That’s why this Make-a-Will Month, we encourage you to consider including the National Council of Negro Women, Inc., Columbus Section (NCNWCSO) in your estate plans.

Your generosity will ensure that programs empowering Black women and girls in our community continue to thrive. By supporting education, health initiatives, and economic empowerment, you’re not just leaving a financial legacy; you’re leaving a legacy of hope, opportunity, and transformation.

Run for a Legacy of Wellness

This August 10th, as you lace up your shoes and join the Columbus run, remember that you’re not just running for yourself. You’re running for your family, your community, and the generations to come. You’re running for a legacy of wellness, empowered by technology and fueled by the unwavering spirit of Black men. Let’s make this run a symbol of our commitment to a healthier, brighter future for all.

Six Ways to Leave a Legacy with NCNWCSO:

  1. Bequests Through Wills:Leave a specific amount or percentage of your estate.
  2. Charitable Gift Annuities:Receive fixed income payments for life, with the remainder benefiting NCNWCSO.
  3. Charitable Remainder Trusts:Donate assets, receive income, and leave the remainder to NCNWCSO.
  4. Life Insurance Policies:Designate NCNWCSO as a beneficiary.
  5. Retirement Plan Assets:Name NCNWCSO as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts.
  6. Real Estate or Tangible Personal Property:Donate property or valuables to NCNWCSO.

 Take Action Today

This National African American Male Wellness Day, let’s celebrate our health and community by joining the Columbus run. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a beginner, every step you take is a step towards a healthier you. And remember, by including NCNWCSO in your estate plans, you’re not just securing your own legacy, but also empowering generations of Black men in Columbus to thrive.

In solidarity,

Egondu Onyejekwe

National Council of Negro Women Inc., Columbus Section (

#BlackMensHealth #AAWellnessDay #LegacyGiving #ColumbusRunsForHealth

Sources and related content

  1. Wellness Check: How AI Is Changing the Health Industry – Laird Superfood

